International Women’s Day 2024

MRAC held our first International Women’s Day event this year to celebrate and acknowledge the achievements of women in our Community. The theme for International Women’s Day 2024 was ‘Inspire Inclusion’. When we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, we create a better community for us all to live in and when women are provided with an opportunity to be included, there is a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment.

This year our Housing Support program Coordinator took the time to sit down with women in this region to yarn about what the program does and how we can help our tenants and others while the yarns were reflecting on how attendees view their home and self - this opened a conversation for women in our community to talk about any issues that have been raised regarding housing in the past, present or future. Louisa, our Housing Support Coordinator used this day to book 4 Intake appointments for clients who may need support, advocacy, or referrals, while also taking the time to get to know businesses and community members alike.

A HUGE thank you to everyone who came to help us celebrate International Women’s Day 2024! To our community, and any other businesses who came and supported this fantastic event but especially Connected Beginnings Geraldton who provided the wonderful Self Care Hamper for our door prize, and IYCC for helping with artwork… Thank you!

With over 90 shirts and bags designed, its safe to say our High Tea and Shirt Designing #InspiredInclusion this year, and the artwork was INCREDIBLE! Community members got to sit down have a yarn and with the help of Indigenous Youth Connected Culture (IYCC), who assisted attendees with their artwork, and we got to see the amazing talent of the women in this region. For a day all about inclusion and diversity, it was overwhelming to see the turnout and community involvement.

Women of all ages came together, including the kiddos, to be apart of what was a truly incredible day and join MRAC in celebrating the Yamatji/Wajarri women from this region. It goes without saying, we cannot wait to see International Women’s Day 2025!


Tenant Newsletter - Issue 2


Tenant Newsletter - Issue 1