Tenant Newsletter - Issue 4
This is MRAC’s fourth newsletter for 2023 and my first one. It has been a busy time settling in to MRAC and trying to learn as much as I can from Mary before she fully retires.
Thank you to all of the tenants who have come into the office to meet me, and I look forward to working with you in the future.
Karen Court
Being a good neighbour
A good neighbour is someone that treats their neighbours with courtesy, respect and consideration and does not cause or allow their family or their visitors to cause a nuisance. MRAC expects all its tenants and their families to be good neighbours.
As a MRAC tenant, you are responsible for your own behaviour, all your household members behaviour and any visitors to your home.
Many complaints MRAC receive include; music is too loud, people are coming and going late at night; car doors slamming, and shouting.
Please keep your music down and don’t allow people to come and go late at night unless they are quiet.
Rent Increases
As we advised in the last newsletter MRAC have had to increase rents to keep pace with increased costs. If this applies to you the appropriate notice will have been provided to you in writing. These changes won’t take place until the new year.
If you receive Commonwealth Rent Assistance (CRA) through Centrelink, please use the letter and Form 10 you receive in the post to take to Centrelink so they can increase your rent assistance payments accordingly.