MRAC News September 2023

Introducing MRAC’s new CEO

Karen Court has specialised in Governance and Compliance Systems for over 20 years within the Health Industry, inclusive of her last role at a remote area Aboriginal Medical Service, which included housing and Environmental Health Programs.

Property Rent Reviews

It’s that time of year when MRAC looks at its budget for the upcoming financial year. Like many households and businesses, MRAC’s costs keep growing. The most recent impacts are:

  • National Wage Outcome – an increase of 5.75% on wages. This impacts not just MRAC’s ongoing wages costs, but our contractors and other suppliers as well.

  • Superannuation levy increase from 10.5% to 11%, which impacts MRAC and MRAC contractors.

  • Material prices – material price rises are continuing and MRAC is still experiencing delays in material supplies.

How We Set Rents

MRAC takes a range of factors into account when setting rents. These include:

  • Property size

  • Property location

  • Property amenities, i.e., how many bathrooms, outdoor living areas etc;

  • Property condition: i.e., how old, or new the property is; and

  • Affordability.

When Will The Rent Increase?

MRAC will look at pensions, benefits and CRA at the end of September as part of the rent review process. Any tenant that receives a rent increase will have at least 60 days before they have to pay the new rent. This means if your rent does go up and you are on Centrelink, you will have at least two months before the rent increase will impact on you.


Tenant Newsletter - Issue 4